Friday, March 29, 2013

Celebrate Mother's Birthday at the Caribbean Breeze

Happy Birthday, Aida Perez. She is originally  from Puerto Rico.  On this special day her family celebrated the event at the Caribbean Breeze.

Mofongo Yuca con Chicharron includes: Fried Yucca, pork rinds softened in garlic, banana flakes, and black beans.

Elizabeth Partridge, and Catherine Villega are Mrs. Perez  daughters, who were searching for a Caribbean Restaurant and found the best one.

Christopher M. Villega, the son, also enjoyed the meal with family.

Ignazio Mulei, greets the guest.

A special dessert is cooked for the birthday event.

You can smell the dessert cooking, at table-side.

 Bananas Flambé includes: butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, dark rum and bananas.

Add a dash of spirits to create a Flambé..

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