Saturday, March 23, 2013

Majestic Hearts "Twist and Shout" for Charity - Snapshots

Majestic Hearts Pageant hosted a Fund Raiser for. "Gateway Shelter For Battered Women", March 15th, at the Caribbean Breeze Latin Grill, 15480 E. Colfax Ave., Aurora, Colorado.  Phyllis, of Phyllis Fantasies (shown below in a black gown)  organized the  charity event and created the transformation services. (P.S. Over a hundred more photos are available on CD for $10. Contact: for details.)


  1. Had A fantastic time... and now every tuesday Caribbean Breeze Latin Grill is also hasting a wonderful vocalist, Sonia, to sing love songs to feature the perfect date!

  2. Great news.
    Yes, Sonia sings every Tuesday evening from 7 pm. until closing.
